Highschooler, Mayu Sata starts a WeGo! chapter in Tokyo to help raise the voices of girls within her community and their passions!
By Kylee Hamamoto '24 | June 17, 2022
Highschooler, Mayu Sata starts a WeGo! chapter in Tokyo to help empower girls to share their passions with others! Mayu discovered the mission of WeGo! and thought it was very needed in her community and something needed in Japan as well to help Japanese women and girls gain confidence in their voice to advocate for themselves and others!
Mayu will be featuring girls and their passions on their social media accounts and on our website. Great job, Mayu and looking forward to see what you accomplish soon!
All updates about WeGo! Tokyo will be posted on our instagram (@wego.hawaii) as well as their instagram account as well (@wego.tokyo)